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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 30 Nov 2009. Web. 27 Sep 2010. rench/whyfrench. html. 10.

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To perform its duties as designated, the Council for Public Participation and Social Control shall organize citizen selection commissions, which shall be in charge of conducting, in those cases that pertain to them, the public competitive and merit based examination with the submittal of candidacies, citizen oversight and the right to challenge by the citizenry. The citizen selection commissions shall be comprised of one delegate for each State branch of government and an identical number of representatives for social organizations and the citizenry, chosen by the public drawing of lots from among those submitting their candidacies and meeting the requirements provided for by the Council and the law. The candidates shall be subject to public scrutiny and citizen challenge. The commissions shall be directed by one of the representatives of the citizenry, who shall have the tie breaking vote, and its sessions shall be open to the public. Article 210. In those cases of selection of an authority by competitive and merit based examination, the Council for Public Participation and Social Control shall choose the one who obtains the highest score in the respective examination and shall report this to the National Assembly for the respective swearing in office. When dealing with the selection of senior management committees directing State entities, the Council shall designate the standing members and alternates, by priority, from among those who obtain the highest scores in the examination. The alternates shall replace the standing members whenever relevant, in compliance with the order of their qualification and designation. Those who are holding office shall not be able to submit their candidacies for public competitive and merit based examinations called to designate their substitutes. Conditions of equity and parity between women and men, as well equality of conditions, shall be guaranteed for the participation of Ecuadorians living abroad. Article 211.

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Apologies for not having had the time to acknowledge and follow up. My point about Einstein's comment was not that unions shouldn't have been political from his perspective he was a European and a socialist when that word still meant something, after all, rather that 'politics' is not necessarily a badge of honor today. That of course does not mean it can't be a necessity nor that it Thank you for your detailed responses Gary. Apologies for not having had the time to acknowledge and follow up. My point about Einsteins comment was not that unions shouldnt have been political from his perspective he was a European and a socialist when that word still meant something, after all, rather that politics is not necessarily a badge of honor today. That of course does not mean it cant be a necessity nor that it cant be a net positive when seen from a broader perspective. I am actually glad to see the quote in another thread about the fact that unions absolutely are political entities. Although I dont have to like it, it does remind us that much about education policy is political. Although I agree that allowing sick days to accrue and count as service at retirement is not enough to incentivize working sick, I do think it provides an incentive not to take them for no reason. Nb to others about seeing people out and about on sick days: some policy combines personal leave, yearly physical and dental days off with sick leave. And thanks for relaying your experiences with sick leave.

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If you were guaranteed honest responses to any three questions, whom would you question, and what would you ask them?17. If you saw someone shoplifting, what would you do?18. Is there anything you would willingly give your life for?19. If you could re live a day of your life again, which would it be and why?20. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?These are all light hearted questions that should cause no one offence, but they also touch on philosophical issues and allow you to really get to know a person if they are honest with their answers. You make it a lot more likely that they will tell the truth if you set the scene and provide a relaxed atmosphere and if you are prepared to chip in with your own answers.

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